Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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# Utility to find least squares best fit
# Copyright (C) 1990 Terry D. Boldt, All Rights Reserved
# Least Square curve fit to best curve. May also specify point through which
# desired curve must pass.
# In general linearize and fit: Y = A + BX
# If forcing through a specified point, Fit: Y = BX
# Fit the following:
# Linear:
# 1) y = a + bx Y = y, A = a, B = b, X = x
# 2) y = a + (b/x) Y = y, A = a, B = b, X = 1/x x ╪ 0
# 3) y = 1/(a + bx) Y = 1/y, A = a, B = b, X = x y ╪ 0
# 4) y = x/(a + bx) Y = 1/y, A = b, B = a, X = 1/x y ╪ 0, x ╪ 0
# Exponential:
# 5) y = ae^(bx) Y = ln(y), A = ln(a), B = b, X = x y > 0
# 6) y = ae^(b/x) Y = ln(y), A = ln(a), B = b, X = 1/x y > 0, x ╪ 0
# Logarithmic:
# 7) y = a + b*ln(x) Y = y, A = a, B = b, X = ln(x) x > 0
# 8) y = 1/(a + b*ln(x)) Y = 1/y, A = a, B = b, X = ln(x) y ╪ 0, x > 0
# Power:
# 9) y = ax^b Y = ln(y), A = ln(a), B = b, X = ln(x) y > 0, x > 0
# Input File Format: (Data and Commands)
# x_data y_data # comment
# solve # will find best fit to data input
# solve n # 1 <= n <= 9, will fit data to curve n
# new # will re-initialize
# force # force curve to fit through origin, (0,0)
# force x y # force curve to fit through point (x,y)
# pred_x y # predict x given current curve and y
# pred_y x # predict y given current curve and x
# Reference on forcing to a specified point:
# Edward B. Hands, "Forcing Regression Through a Given Point Using Any
# Familiar Computational Routine", U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal
# Engineering Research Center, Technical Paper No. 83-1, March 1983
# Several errors in the equations are present and corrected in this
# implementation. The technique translates the origin of the co-ordinate
# system to the point to be fit, and fits the equation: y' = b*x'
# then translates back to the original system, recovering 'a' in the
# second translation
# command and data regular expressions
input_data = /({_i}|{_f}|{_r})/;
data_comment = /({_w}+#.*)?$/;
data = /{input_data}{_w}+{input_data}{data_comment}/;
data_line = /^{_w}*{data}/;
Solve = /^{_w}*[Ss]olve({_w}|$)/;
New = /^{_w}*[Nn]ew({_w}|$)/;
Force = /^{_w}*[Ff]orce({_w}+{data})?/;
Pred_x = /^{_w}*[Pp]red_x{_w}+{input_data}{data_comment}/;
Pred_y = /^{_w}*[Pp]red_y{_w}+{input_data}{data_comment}/;
# array to hold strings of equations solved, y indepedent variable
curve_strx[1] = "x = (y - a)/b";
curve_strx[2] = "x = b/(y - a)";
curve_strx[3] = "x = ((1/y) - a)/b";
curve_strx[4] = "x = a/((1/y) - b)";
curve_strx[5] = "x = ln(y/a)/b";
curve_strx[6] = "x = b/ln(y/a)";
curve_strx[7] = "x = e^((y - a)/b)";
curve_strx[8] = "x = e^(((1/y) - a)/b)";
curve_strx[9] = "x = e^(ln(y/a)/b)";
# array to hold strings of equations solved, x indepedent variable
curve_stry[1] = "y = a + bx";
curve_stry[2] = "y = a + (b/x)";
curve_stry[3] = "y = 1/(a + bx)";
curve_stry[4] = "y = x/(a + bx)";
curve_stry[5] = "y = ae^(bx)";
curve_stry[6] = "y = ae^(b/x)";
curve_stry[7] = "y = a + b*ln(x)";
curve_stry[8] = "y = 1/(a + b*ln(x))";
curve_stry[9] = "y = ax^b";
# array to hold strings of equations to be solved for x with "execute" function
curve_x_exe[1] = "(y - ca)/cb;";
curve_x_exe[2] = "cb / (y - ca);";
curve_x_exe[3] = "((1/y) - ca)/cb;";
curve_x_exe[4] = "ca/((1/y) - cb);";
curve_x_exe[5] = "log(y/ca)/cb;";
curve_x_exe[6] = "cb/log(y/ca);";
curve_x_exe[7] = "exp((y - ca)/cb);";
curve_x_exe[8] = "exp(((1/y) - ca)/cb);";
curve_x_exe[9] = "exp(log(y/ca)/cb);";
# array to hold strings of equations to be solved for y with "execute" function
curve_y_exe[1] = "ca + cb * z;";
curve_y_exe[2] = "ca + (cb / z);";
curve_y_exe[3] = "1/(ca + cb * z);";
curve_y_exe[4] = "x/(ca + cb * z);";
curve_y_exe[5] = "ca * exp(cb * z);";
curve_y_exe[6] = "ca * exp(cb / z);";
curve_y_exe[7] = "ca + cb * log(z);";
curve_y_exe[8] = "1/(ca + cb * log(z));";
curve_y_exe[9] = "ca * z ^ cb;";
# array to hold functions to be used to solve for 'a' coeffiecent when
# forcing through a point. use "execute" function to solve
fcoefa[1] = "force_y - coef_b * force_x;";
fcoefa[2] = "force_y - coef_b * ifx;";
fcoefa[3] = "ify - coef_b * force_x;";
fcoefa[4] = "ify - coef_b * ifx;";
fcoefa[5] = "force_y / exp(coef_b * force_x);";
fcoefa[6] = "force_y / exp(coef_b * ifx);";
fcoefa[7] = "force_y - coef_b * lnfx;";
fcoefa[8] = "ify - coef_b * lnfx;";
fcoefa[9] = "force_y / force_x ^ coef_b;";
stderr = "stderr";
# solve current data to specified or best fit
Solve {
local cftn = TRUE;
if ( NF > 1 && $2 ~~ /{_i}/ ) {
curve_no = $2;
cftn = specified_curve(curve_no,TRUE);
} else curve_no = best_fit;
if ( cftn ) print_curve(curve_no,a[curve_no],b[curve_no],r[curve_no]);
# new curve fit problem, re-initialize
New {
# force fit through a given point, must re-initialize
Force {
if ( NF > 1 && $2 ~~ input_data ) force_x = $2 + 0.0;
if ( NF > 1 && $3 ~~ input_data ) force_y = $3 + 0.0;
if ( force_x <= 0 ) {
ifx = lnfx = 0.0;
if ( force_x == 0 ) crv[2] = crv[4] = crv[6] = FALSE;
else {
crv[7] = crv[8] = crv[9] = FALSE;
ifx = 1/force_x;
} else {
lnfx = log(force_x);
ifx = 1/force_x;
if ( force_y <= 0 ) {
ify = lnfy = 0.0;
if ( force_y == 0 ) crv[3] = crv[4] = crv[8] = FALSE;
else {
crv[5] = crv[6] = crv[9] = FALSE;
ify = 1/force_y;
} else {
lnfy = log(force_y);
ify = 1/force_y;
force_pt = TRUE;
# predict x from y
Pred_x {
local y = $2 + 0.0;
local fmts = "y = " ∩ $2 ∩ ", X = %.14g\n";
if ( curve_no ) {
print "Predict: " ∩ curve_strx[curve_no];
# predict y from x
Pred_y {
local x = $2 + 0.0;
local fmts = "x = " ∩ $2 ∩ ", Y = %.14g\n";
if ( curve_no ) {
print "Predict: " ∩ curve_stry[curve_no];
# input data
data_line {
accumulate_point($1 + 0.0,$2 + 0.0);
# to print input data, un-comment following line
# print "x = " ∩ $1 ∩ "y = " ∩ $2;
ocurve = FALSE;
if ( !curve_no ) curve_no = best_fit;
if ( !ocurve ) print_curve(curve_no,a[curve_no],b[curve_no],r[curve_no]);
function print_curve(cn,a,b,r2) {
local sofmt = OFMT;
OFMT = "%.14g";
print "Fit Curve Number: " ∩ cn;
print curve_stry[cn];
print "a = " ∩ a;
print "b = " ∩ b;
print "Goodness: " ∩ r2;
ocurve = TRUE;
OFMT = sofmt;
function init_sums() {
sum_x = 0.0;
sum_y = 0.0;
sum_x2 = 0.0;
sum_y2 = 0.0;
sum_xy = 0.0;
sum_ix = 0.0;
sum_iy = 0.0;
sum_ix2 = 0.0;
sum_iy2 = 0.0;
sum_ixy = 0.0;
sum_lnx = 0.0;
sum_lny = 0.0;
sum_lnx2 = 0.0;
sum_lny2 = 0.0;
sum_lnxy = 0.0;
sum_xlny = 0.0;
sum_ixlny = 0.0;
sum_ylnx = 0.0;
sum_iylnx = 0.0;
sum_yix = 0.0;
sum_xiy = 0.0;
num_points = curve_no = 0;
ocurve = FALSE;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) crv[i] = TRUE;
force_pt = FALSE;
force_x = 0.0;
force_y = 0.0;
lnfx = 0.0;
lnfy = 0.0;
ifx = 0.0;
ify = 0.0;
function accumulate_point(x,y) {
local invx, lnx;
local invy, lny;
if ( x <= 0 ) {
invx = -ifx;
lnx = 0.0;
if ( x == 0 ) crv[2] = crv[4] = crv[6] = FALSE;
else {
crv[7] = crv[8] = crv[9] = FALSE;
invx = (1/x) - ifx;
} else {
invx = (1/x) - ifx;
lnx = log(x) - lnfx;
if ( y <= 0 ) {
invy = -ify;
lny = 0.0;
if ( y == 0 ) crv[3] = crv[4] = crv[8] = FALSE;
else {
crv[5] = crv[6] = crv[9] = FALSE;
invy = (1/y) - ify;
} else {
invy = (1/y) - ify;
lny = log(y) - lnfy;
x -= force_x;
y -= force_y;
if ( force_pt ) accum_pt(-x,-invx,-lnx,-y,-invy,-lny);
function accum_pt(x,ix,lnx,y,iy,lny) {
local x2 = x * x, y2 = y * y;
local ix2 = ix * ix, iy2 = iy * iy;
sum_x += x;
sum_y += y;
sum_x2 += x2;
sum_y2 += y2;
sum_xy += x * y;
sum_ix += ix;
sum_ix2 += ix2;
sum_ixlny += lny * ix;
sum_yix += y * ix;
sum_iy += iy;
sum_iy2 += iy2;
sum_iylnx += lnx * iy;
sum_xiy += x * iy;
sum_ixy += ix * iy;
sum_lnx += lnx;
sum_lny += lny;
sum_lnx2 += lnx * lnx;
sum_lny2 += lny * lny;
sum_lnxy += lnx * lny;
sum_xlny += x * lny;
sum_ylnx += y * lnx;
function best_fit() {
local curve_no = FALSE, i, lr = 0;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) {
if ( specified_curve(i,FALSE) ) {
if ( r[i] > lr ) {
curve_no = i;
lr = r[i];
return curve_no;
function specified_curve(curve_no,msg) {
local fit = FALSE, swap_ab;
if ( crv[curve_no] ) {
switch ( curve_no ) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
swap_ab = coef_a;
coef_a = coef_b;
coef_b = swap_ab;
case 5:
if ( !force_pt ) coef_a = exp(coef_a);
case 6:
if ( !force_pt ) coef_a = exp(coef_a);
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
if ( !force_pt ) coef_a = exp(coef_a);
print "Improper Curve Specified";
print "File: "FILENAME;
print "Line #: "FNR;
exit 20;
a[curve_no] = coef_a;
b[curve_no] = coef_b;
r[curve_no] = rr;
fit = TRUE;
} else if ( msg ) print "Data Cannot Fit Curve Selected !";
return fit;
function calc_a_b(sum_x,sum_y,sum_xy,sum_x2,sum_y2,n,eqn) {
local sxy = sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y / n;
local ssx2 = sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x / n;
local ssy2 = sum_y2 - sum_y * sum_y / n;
coef_b = sxy / ssx2;
if ( force_pt ) coef_a = execute(fcoefa[eqn],TRUE);
else coef_a = (sum_y - coef_b * sum_x) / n;
rr = sqrt((sxy * sxy)/(ssx2 * ssy2));
# function to compute x from y and curve number
function pred_x(cn,y) {
local sofmt = OFMT;
local curve = curve_x_exe[cn];
local ca = a[cn], cb = b[cn];
local x;
OFMT = "%.14g";
x = execute(curve,TRUE);
OFMT = sofmt;
return x;
# function to compute y from x and curve number
function pred_y(cn,x) {
local sofmt = OFMT;
local curve = curve_y_exe[cn];
local ca = a[cn], cb = b[cn];
local y;
OFMT = "%.14g";
y = execute(curve,TRUE);
OFMT = sofmt;
return y;
# function display copyright
function copyright() {
fprintf(stderr,"Least Squares Best Fit.\nCopyright (C) 1990 Terry D. Boldt, All Rights Reserved.\n");